Pratiques enseignantes et qualité de l'apprentissage au Collège Tunisien : Une enquête sur les représentations et pratiques en éducation nutritionnelle
This study aims to examine the impact of teaching practices on the quality of learning in Tunisian middle schools, using the example of nutrition education among 9th-grade students in basic education. The research seeks to explore how nutrition is introduced in educational institutions and to analyze the representations and practices of teachers. Teaching practice is a didactic action carried out jointly by the teacher and the students in the classroom. The methodology adopted is based on administering a questionnaire to 80 fully voluntary Tunisian teachers who teach life and earth sciences to 9th-grade students. The results obtained showed that the educational approach remains undervalued in favor of biological knowledge input, with a dominance of the biomedical health model. In conclusion, a new structuring of the educational approach to nutrition within the Tunisian curriculum, integrating both the food and health aspects, is necessary. Such a reform would aim to help students develop a reasoned opinion on nutrition-related issues, beyond a biomedical model of prevention/protection.
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