Favoriser le bien être scolaire des élèves autistes tunisiens au sein des écoles primaires ordinaires : conceptions et pratiques enseignantes plus inclusives



This research sheds light on teaching conceptions in a context of required change for Tunisian teachers confronted since 2008 with the reception of students with ASD. The current state of play sees this type of schooling as a major challenge for teachers, who are often stressed and at a loss when faced with the problems associated with this disorder. Although training courses on autism increase teachers' knowledge, they are still insufficient to change their practices. However, support for teachers can improve their inclusive practices, guaranteeing an educational environment that is inclusive, caring and conducive to their well-being.


Inclusive education, conceptions, inclusive teaching practices, school well-being, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Evidence-Based-Practices

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/mje.5243

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