Design and development of three original music-educational digital games for admission exams in Greek music schools

Yannis Mygdanis


Playing is an integral part of children's daily lives in all cultures. In our current era, which is mainly digital, a vital part of children's lives involves using digital media and, consequently, digital games. Incorporating educational video games into formal or informal teaching-learning processes leads to students' interest development, motivation enhancement, as well as active participation in the lesson in a playful interactive learning environment. In this context, digital game design is critical for its effective use in the educational process, constructing rich learning environments through specific teaching objectives based on current learning theories and students' particular age and developmental characteristics. In this article, we explore three innovative digital educational musical games that were specifically designed to align with the content of admission exams at Music Schools in Greece. These engaging applications were developed by the Music Schools working project group of the Greek Society for Music Education (G.S.Μ.Ε.) as a valuable instructional resource for exam preparation. At the same time, they form conditions for integration in both the conservatoire as well as primary school music teaching-learning processes, providing creative teaching extensions.

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Culture| ISSN: 2732-8511 | Μουσείο Σχολικής Ζωής & Εκπαίδευσης / Τμήμα Διοίκησης Τουρισμού

Πασιθέη | Βιβλιοθήκη & Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης | Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών